Thursday, 26 February 2015

Bruises, Cuts, Split lip + Dry Skin


Supra Colour Palette
Small Brush

1. I started off by mixing some more bruise like colours in my palette. I dulled down colours such as the green or purple by adding brown to make them more muted. 
2. I applied a purpley shade all around the socket and over the lid. 
3. I added a greenish yellow shade over the top to make the bruising look older and less freshly done.
4. I applied a dark browny purple shade underneath the eye and in the tear duct. 
5. Black eyes often have a sheeny look to them so I applied some glycerine over the area. 


As you can see from the picture above, I don't think this went too well in class. I ran out of time but I think I needed to add more layers of product to the area and shape the lip again to achieve the desired effect. 

Barrier Cream
Non Flexible Collodion
Craft Knife

1. Apply the barrier cream to protect the area
2. Apply the Collodion to the area on the lip
3. Press the side of the craft knife where you want the cut to be, and fold the lip round it either side to create an indentation. 
4. Use your hairdryer to dry the product in shape
5. If needed you can add more product until the cut is more prominent. 


Plastic Wax
craft knife
Lash Glue
Liquid Latex
Hair Dryer
Supra Colour
Foundation palette
Fake Blood

1. Warm up some wax on the back of your hand to make it a usable consistency 
2. Mould the wax into your desired shape, and then stick to the skin. If having trouble sticking you can use some lash glue, and use cleanser to help blend the edges into the skin. 
3. Create a cut in the wax using your craft knife. 
4. Use a pin to pull open and tug at the cut until you are happy with the shape. 
5. Apply liquid latex on top of the wound and stipple out to blend with the skin. 
6. Dry with a hairdryer
7. Once the wound is dry you start to add colour, I used a colour from my foundation palette that matched the wound and used this all over. 
8. I then used the red supra colour to give a red appearance to the skin of the wound and surrounding area. 
9. I applied a dark brown shade into the wound to add depth.
10. I dripped some fake blood into the would, and then raised the arm so it poured out naturally. 


Barrier Cream
Old age Stipple
Supra Colours
Small Brush
Hair dryer

1. Apply Barrier Cream to the area
2. Using a sponge apply old age stipple all over the area, feathering out the edges to make sure it blends naturally.
3. Using a hair dryer on a cool setting, dry the area
4. I carefully used a pin to pull at the area, creating tiny open flaps of skin.
5. using my supra colour palette I painted in red sores to these areas.

I think if I were to do this again, I would make the entire area more red looking, to give a sorer effect all over. 

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