Thursday, 16 April 2015

Claudia and Quentin Mood Boards and Colour Charts

This is my mood board for True Blood. The show features a lot of dark locations and blood, so the colour palette is definitely Red, Burgundy and Black. The promotion images often feature the characters splattered head to toe in fake blood. I have chosen the two images above as it shows the protagonist and her two love interests. I love how the images ooze sex appeal which is a very important aspect to True Blood. I have chosen to have blood splatters everywhere, as in the show the characters are always getting covered in blood, and the True Blood Vampires when staked, splatter leaving behind only a puddle of blood.

This is my mood board for Quentins character. To display his human nature I wanted to show calming blue tones, along with a flesh tone that I associate with humanity. The red represents blood, as these two tones together will make up Quentins skin tone as the pale fleshy pink tone shows he is a living, breathing human, and then the red blood shows how badly Claudia harms him, and the way he is constantly bleeding. I chose to use a picture of a scarred arm as the centre of my mood board, I love the way you can see the veins under the skin, something that shows his delicate humanity and something which would entice Claudia. I have used lots of images of scarification, but chopped them up and jumbled them to ether to show the mish mash of wounds and stitches Claudia leaves on him. I chose the word 'stitches' to represent Quentin as Claudia is constantly making wounds on Quentin, before sticking him up again and acting as if everything is ok. 

Claudias mood board shows what I imagine her 'kitsch' apartment to look like. The cutesy decor is splattered with blood showing Claudia's erratic, split personality. The lips give an example of what I imagine Claudia's make up to look to look like, very vampy and dark. I chose dark red, purple and black as Claudia's colour palette, as this makes up the most of the clothing she wears, and ties in well the with dress sense of the female Vampires on True Blood. I chose the word 'awakening' as Claudia's inspiration word, as it represents her awakening from the ground as a Vampire. It represents the new life that Claudia has started since her transition, and how she wishes she could return to her old life. 

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