Monday 6 April 2015

Project Evaluation

Overall I have really enjoyed this project. I found the book of Great Expectations surprisingly enjoyable and really enjoyed the opportunity to put my own spin on the characters. I loved that we got to learn such a variety of special effect techniques from cuts, bruises, different type of burns and using moulds. I enjoyed getting to use these techniques when attempting to recreate the Great Expectations characters. I had no option but to have a young model to portray Miss Havisham, I would have preferred someone middle aged as then I could of done a more TV and Film appropriate look, but as my model was young I had to use some theatrical ageing to get my desired effect. I didn't want to go all out and apply heavy wrinkles, so I used a colour only slightly darker and only added wrinkles in the most obvious of places. I am happy with the way this turn out as it definitely aged my models face but not to the point where the look is overly heavy and dramatic. Before creating the look I looked into Miss Havisham's lifestyle and the toll it would have on her skin, hair and nails. I took this research into account when creating my character. I wanted Estella to have very fresh, pretty and typically Victorian make up, which was then opposed by the ugly bruise on her eye. I took time looking into different bruises and working out if I wanted Estella's to be old or new. I practiced bruising in class and at home to perfect the tones I wanted to use. I knew that I wanted Estellas hair to be a main focus in the look as late victorian hairstyles were far more elaborate and pretty. I was quite happy with how the hair turned out as I found the style hard when practicing. It does need some polishing but I am pleased I managed to create the correct structure. With both shoots I made sure to practice before hand, giving extra focus on any special effects I had to create to make sure I was fully confident in the looks I was creating.

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